Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Resolutions

January - read through the bible in a year.
I'm....... fairly on track. it's certainly still holding me accountable to more consistent quiet times.
February - be better about using the envelope system.
Did better this month than last month- still using my debit card here and there but the budget isn't breaking anywhere.
March - only use facebook/check blogs during Rowen's nap.
After 15 days, I decided this was a rather silly resolution. I use facebook much like email and don't spend THAT much time reading blogs... so, I gave up on this one. Not continuing it. I do, however, want to be deliberate with how I spend my time and making sure my priorities are my Savior, my husband, our son, and our home. So, keeping an eye on that.

April - this month, I'm going to walk any day it's not raining/threatening to rain. Today was the first break in a rather crummy week weather-wise, and Rowen and I packed up as soon as he was awake and fed and we strolled four miles. LOVED it! We were out for almost two hours (a few groceries were part of the trip) and though my feet will probably be sore, it's a great form of exercise for me in this.... uh.... condition. :)
I know it's a little ironic that I picked April for my weather-dependent walking resolution (what brings May flowers?) but- here's to hoping for a little sun. Or, at least sun breaks :) Also, Rowen loves going for strolls, even if our destination isn't the park. Or so it seems at this point, anyway. So, maybe it's a perfect month for it!


Patti said...
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Patti said...

You are lucky Rowen likes the strolls....Emersyn has started getting restless. OY!