Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Tree Hunting

We went to Hagg's this past weekend with my parents, & my sister and brother-in-law.
 tractor ridin' out to the trees (Rowen wanted to ride ON the tractor, it was a disappointment to settle for the wagon, but he got over it.)

 Rowen picked this one for Nana & Pop-pop

 poor Charlotte passed out for the entirety of the adventure. Happy to have been wearing the ergo!

 a little visit with big Santa

 awake now! What? Wait. Who's got me?

feeding the goats.

All in all, it was a fun trip. It was a little far out, and a little expensive, and there weren't many doug's to be found. Looks like they're only planting nobles now, which makes sense. But hard for the bargain ;) The weather held out on us which was a nice blessing! We enjoyed our free coffee & cocoa in the little barn while visiting with the animals & talking to Santa.  However, we'll try a new farm next year, mainly for the steep slopes. The trees are growing on a hillside, and it was scary trying to navigate the mud & brambles in rubber boots and wearing a baby! Luckily there were no casualties. It would make sense to just go and pick one up from a lot- they're cheaper after all. But there's something about going and cutting down your own. I'm thankful to live in a state full of fir trees just dying to be in someone's living room, bedecked with tinsel & memories come December!

Merry Christmas!


Patti said...

I didn't know they did a wagon ride at Haggs! We went there on Sunday and were slightly disappointed. Next year we'll go to Lee Farms in Tualatin. I forgot about them this year and Haggs is actually a lot closer to us. We were impressed with Lee Farms for the pumpkin patch though and they had a TON of trees. Fun family outing!

hearing aids said...

nice one i enjoyed this post thanks