November rolls around and in my family, everyone starts begging for Christmas lists. I'm really bad about it normally because I really don't need anything. However, I also do some begging of my own since there are so many people in my family. I thought this year, "i'm going to think of some things i would like that I wont buy for myself and actually put out a "christmas list" because its so helpful to get them from everyone else." So, with my thinking cap on for several days, I thought of a few things. One of them was an attachment for my stand mixer. I hadn't really looked at them, didn't really know what was out there, just thought; "hey, that could be cool!" Well, apparently everyone else thought so too. It was a kitchenaid christmas for Brianne! I got the the pasta roller and cutter set, the icecream maker attachment, the slicer and shredder attachment, another slicer and shredder attachment, the meat grinder attachment, and the pasta maker plates that attach to the meat grinder attachment. Whoa.
Well, Matt got a gift card to Macy's for some new work clothes so we went shopping on the 26th, and I thought I'd wander over to the kitchen aid section to see what I could exchange my extra pasta thing and extra slicer thing for. And HOLY CRAP - I had NO IDEA how expensive these things are!! Like I said, I didn't even really know what there was I just threw it on my list - now i'm feeling super guilty that everyone spent so much moola on me...
Well needless to say, Matt and I got out that pasta roller PRONTO

and put it to some good use!
MMmmmmm.... we had a fabulous dinner of homemade wheat spagetti... Now for that