We're going to Olive Garden tonight to celebrate my mother in-law's birthday.
mmmm.... I love olive garden. mostly for the salad and breadsticks, that's my favorite part. The dinner is usually good, not -spectacular- or anything, but mmmmmmm salad and breadsticks.... I've been drooling all day in anticipation. (crazy pregnant woman...)
Anyhow, I've been keeping pretty good track of my diet to make sure I'm eating healthy for the two of us. It's easy since I have hours upon hours of nap time throughout the day to do nothing other than twiddle my thumbs... So I went online to look up the menu, decide what I would possibly order, and then find some nutritional information. I was shocked to find that I couldn't find anything! (So shocked in fact that here I am blogging about it- haha) I was looking at the seafood alfredo, knowing it's incredibly bad for me, and wanting to see if I could justify it in any possible stretch of a way. Nope. No justification. Information is NO-where. I scoured the olive garden web site, then turned to my good friend Google, and information is so scarce I really couldn't believe it. I did find out through Google that a salad and two breadsticks from the O.G. is going to cost me 481 calories with 9g of fat- if that isn't exciting enough. ;) I will consume these without guilt, however. I tried to find a customer service phone number and call them. (Yes, I'm bored.) Nope, no number available. But I could email. So I did. They let me know that they'll try to respond within 10 business days. Ha! Why is it that fast food chains are forced to post nutritional information but a huge restaurant chain like Olive Garden doesn't have to even have it available?? A mystery. a somewhat creepy mystery. What are thy hiding? 3000 calorie pasta??? Yikes. Maybe I'll have a bowl of minestrone...
Ya know, I bet your 3000 calorie is true!
You can find all the nutritional values directly on the menu at the restaurant.
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