Wow- time is flying by! Here we are at 13 weeks already- just five more before we can find out the sex and two weeks after that we'll already be at the half way point!
The exciting things our baby is doing this week include producing insulin, and developing fingerprints and footprints. awww....
S/he's the size of a sweet juicy peach!
I'm doing great- a little more energy every day I think but still quite tired by the time 7:00 rolls around. I'm having all sorts of crazy cramps from the uterus growing and stretching, though! But that's the only thing I can feel for now. A couple more weeks until I start getting beat up from the inside. ;) (I can't wait!!)
Here's a picture of a 13 week old fetus. How in the heck did it get so human looking in only two and a half months? What a little miracle!
First trimester?
Second trimester?
Here it comes.
Pregnancy is such a blessing!
So exciting!!!
2nd tri should hopefully be more comfortable for you, too. By the way, props to you for choosing cloth diapers! We use Daperaps and love them. So much better for the little bum.
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