Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rowen's First Birthday!

Hey guys, it's me, Rowen. I want to tell you all about my first birthday! It was loads of fun. Thursday morning, my actual birthday, my two best girl buds came over to play for a little bit. Momma didn't get out the camera when Fiona was here, but she did get a shot of me and Riley playing with my wagon.
Since I have so many people who love me, I had a lot of celebrating all week! On Tuesday, I went to G-ma's house. I tried my hand at opening presents, and it was pretty fun.

Then I got to try cake. Well, everyone wanted me to try cake. I refused. Plop.

Thursday evening, I went to Nanna & Pop-pop's house to do birthday again. Here's me and Momma for the half second I kept this dumb hat on.

And then they tried the cake again! I already told them I wasn't impressed. Silly grown ups and their traditions. Here's me, not impressed:

Dad seemed to like it, so I fed him handfuls of the pure maple-syrup sweetened whipped cream.

Dad tried to feed me in return. NO thank you.

I don't have any words yet, so I told them how I felt the only way I knew how. Plop.

Ooh, present time!

Day three of celebrating, Sunday was my birthday party! It was supposed to be LAST Sunday, but I was sick. So my parents rescheduled it. Silly grown-ups.
Here I am lookin' fly in my monkey hat:
My buddy Ems her monkey hat:
my buddy JJ in his monkey hat:

Tower of cupcakes with my birthday cake on top. (Seriously? They're trying AGAIN with the birthday cake??) My parents set up the video camera for my cake time, thinking third times a charm. No still pictures, sorry. But of course, I told them again how I felt about cake by refusing to touch it and flipping the plate over. Plop.

I love monkeys. Well, my little stuffed Monkey in particular. So my folks decided I would like a monkey theemed birthday party. Did you know you can't find monkey party stuff anywhere? Jungle stuff, sure, curious george, sure. But no monkey. So Momma-the-Dork made a monkey stamp out of a potato and made me my own monkey party stuff. ... I love monkeys. (and my Momma)


Jacki R. said...

Momma you are so talented! Wow, great monkey stuff!

Looks like Rowen is a total health nut - I suppose that's not a bad thing!

Kristy said...

WOW! 1 already??!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! (i can't even believe it! it feels like yesterday i was there taking his newborn portraits!)