Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Why does January get to have all the fun?  (or torture?)  I think resolutions are great- except that they usually fizzle out by mid february.  This year, I've been thinking about making a new "resolution" each month.  If it's working out for me, I'll keep at it the whole year through.  If not, I'll try to "better myself" in another way.  
January 1st I decided it would be a good year to read through the bible in it's entirety.  I've done it several times, but the last time I read all the way through in one year was 1996/97!  The first year I was saved.  I was So hungry for the word of God, I ripped through it.  So, I downloaded a (free) one-year reading plan and I'm happy to say that I'm on track.  Not that I've done my reading every single day, but I've been able to catch up when I skip a day here and there.  I'm surprised each reading only takes 10-15 minutes.  Is that all it takes? Wow.
Anyhow... on to February!
As many of you know, we're Dave Ramsey fans.  FPU graduates, to tell you the truth.  We've been on the cash system for over a year.  Well, we were anyway.  I haven't gotten cash out since October!!!  I love my debit card, what can I say?  Oh, so swipey easy.  Well, my "resolution" for February is to get back to the envelopes and stick to our budget.  With another one on the way, we're going to have to tighten our belts anyway so it's high time to get it gear!
How are you doing on your resolutions, one month later? Keep up the good work!

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