Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Marshmallow Gun War

you read that right: marshmallow. gun. war.  We went over to the Weathersby's this weekend for a roaring good time shooting miniature marshmallows at each other with home-made marshmallow guns.  

prepare to die!!

 future marshmallow sniper:

Well- Rowen and I never actually got to fire one as I was on baby duty and Matt was having too much fun to share. haha.  But Rowen and I had a super time enjoying the weather and the watermelon! 

And lastly: Matt demonstrates how to enjoy delicious pot-luck goodies while holding a baby.


BETHANY said...

I'm so glad you guys were able to make it!

ck2m said...

I have seen those marshmellow guns before but couldn't figure out how to use them. How much you guys must of had.