Matt and I spent the weekend at the coast as our "last hurrah" as a childless couple. I'm glad we did it now at 6 months and not later this summer as I could still get around a little bit and we enjoyed ourselves very much! We stayed at a Bed & Breakfast in Depot Bay, which is near Lincoln City, called "
Pana~Sea~Ah." It was so beautiful and relaxing- aahhhhh.
We left Friday afternoon and were stuck in traffic of course- Praise the Lord for air conditioning in the car! It was soooo hot here.As we got to the coast the temp dropped fro, 90-something to 60-something, and the sky was clear blue and the ocean phenomenal as usual. :) As usual, we really didn't get any pictures of ourselves, but tried to take a few along the way to share.
Our room was fantastic-

we left the window open the whole weekend and listened to the ocean crashing - we had a great view from the bedroom

and bathroom above the jacuzzi tub.

Of course, we could only take a warm soak and not hot so we didn't cook the baby- it was still really relaxing :)
Saturday morning we had breakfast with the other guests and it was sooo yummy :) The really cool thing though was before breakfast, one of the men asked if anyone minded if he prayed for breakfast! We thought that was pretty neat! Turns out the other three couples were Christians and we talked all about raising children for about two hours over breakfast. One couple had young kids and the other two had grown kids and it was just really enjoyable. :) After breakfast we went for a walk on the beach- which turned into a "sit" on the beach as I decided it's pretty challenging to walk on sand with a gigantic belly sticking out! We later went into town for lunch and just to walk around and enjoy each other. On the way back we stopped at Yaquina Head because Matt's always wanted to and never has- there's a big lighthouse (the tallest in Oregon!) that we took a tour of.

We climbed all the way to the top (about 7 stories)

and got to look out the glass- the view was incredible!

We didn't get a great shot of it through the glass- but you can get the idea :)

We went out for dinner Saturday night at a great restaurant called "Tidal Raves"- we split a seafood pasta that had clams, shrimp, crab, and halibut in a creamy pesto sauce- it was very delicious. Mmm..... we ordered the chocolate peanut butter cheesecake to go so we could have it later- we were stuffed. (We had a late lunch and our dinner reservation was for 5:30!) We of course brought the camera and took no pictures! And I looked pretty cute too- hahaha. While we were waiting for our table some ladies were sitting down and offered me their seats- very sweet- but I was fine standing for five minutes. Then they wanted to know all about everything as is becoming quite a trend I'm noticing- "when are you due?" "is it a boy or a girl?" "have you got a name picked out?" always the first three questions. ;) It's pretty funny when I tell people I"m due September 30th- their eyes always get big and they kind of stutter "oh...." like I'm a honkin' cow or something and should "pop any minute" (I hear that one a lot too!) So anyway.... dinner was great! When we left Matt said "everyone was staring at you." Yeah- he hasn't been out in public with me that much lately. hahahaha. Apparently I'm quite the sight to see! Well, we had a really nice evening and slept again to the sound & smell of the ocean and woke up Sunday well rested for another fantastic breakfast. The main course was a mango baked french toast- holy cow. mmmmmm.......
After packing up and checking out, we stopped at the Trager outet stores on our way home to see if there was a maternity store. I need to find a cute dress for Evan and Jackie's wedding August 9th! (Matt's brother.) There wasn't one... but I did get a new bible, which I'm really excited about, because it's a slimline NASB so I don't have to carry around my 100lb bible when I've got the baby in one arm and the diaper bag in the other- :) I love my NASB and didn't want to get a different version just to get a thin one- and I hadn't seen any online that looked good so I was excited to find this one. And fairly cheap too! Yay :) Then we stopped at another beach (I don't remember which one...) because they were having a kite festival- it was pretty neat to watch all the big kites for a little bit!

So- there's our romantic weekend in a nut shell :) If we ever can, we'd love to go back and we highly recommend it to any B&B'ers out there!