Tuesday, February 12, 2008

7 weeks

oh, my, goodness. That is amazing. It's about the size of a pencil eraser top! Funny little bean...
So far everything has been really great, I must say. And for all of you who told me the morning sickness comes at 7 weeks- I'm still holding out!! Queasy once in a while, but tolerable. Now for you "week 9ers" we'll have to wait and see. ;) But maybe that's part of why it's still not entirely real to me, not puking all day as a constant reminder! Thinking about names has really helped personify this baby to me, though. Thanks, by the way, for everyone's votes! We can't believe there are so many! We feel so loved!! Keep checking back, I think we might update the polls as our ideas progress & the suggestions keep pouring in. ;) If you haven't already, leave a comment with your suggestions if you'd like, we wont be offended!

I can't wait to go to the doctor- still two weeks and a day to wait. I hope I get an early ultrasound!! But I know I probably wont, and that's okay. I just can't believe that there's someone inside me with a heartbeat already! That's incredible.


Kristy said...

wow that's TINY compared to the one that is rolling around & STRETCHING my belly out!!! haha!!

Matt and Brianne said...

haha, Kristy. She wants outa there!! Little does she know how good she has it ;)