Monday, September 1, 2008

8 Month Belly

No way- Am I really in my last month? Holy cow!!
I can't believe it. Here it is, September already, and we've got about 4 weeks to go. Just a week and we'll be full term. We are so excited!! Saturday afternoon we got some pregnancy portraits taken and I can't wait to see them- and then afterward we spent about 4 hours SHOPPING for all of the little things we still "needed," spending gift cards we got or exchanging a couple items. There wasn't all that much left to get- we've been sooo blessed- but we went to Mother Nature's, Baby's R Us, Segals, and Target- because we had a couple things to get/exchange/spend at each place, so it was quite the day! We were tired and sore by the time it was over, haha. But we're glad we got it all "done" in one afternoon/evening so there will be no more last minute trips for this or that. We're all stocked up! I got my baby laundry soap (not specifically "baby"- it's Charley's Soap- natural and gentle- should be safe for his skin (and sensitive Matt's, for that matter!) and good for his diapers.) So all last night and today I've been doing load after load of laundry! All his bedding, diapers one more time (making it the magic "three" washings you're supposed to do to prepare unbleached material), blankies, clothes, etc. There's quite a lot!! Piles and piles! And he's not even here yet! Of course, there probably wont be a day when I have to wash every single thing he has. ;) (at least there better not- that would be one heck of a day!)
We picked up the New Native carrier Matt wanted, he decided on a black one, (ooh look, it's even the same one Brad Pitt has, lol) a couple of bottles for Rowen to try, one glass and one adiri nurser,
which I think are the neatest things as far as bottles go, but who knows what baby Ro will think, eh? :o) And a whole bunch of other things: cozy flannel crib sheets, a mattress & sheets for the cradle, a baby gate, a couple little sleep sacks, a diaper pail, two fancy pocket diapers to take him out in public in (easy to change for nursery volunteers, grandparents, etc,) a night time CD, some toys, a boppy cover, a little bathtub recliner, etc. He's one well stocked little bundle of joy. Now if we could only get rid of the desk and office chair, we'd have room for all of it! hahaha.
Well, without further ado- here's the 8 month shot:
the progress:
pre-pregnancy: 102# 24"
one month :100# 24"
two months :101# 29"
three months :104# 32"
four months: 108# 32.5"
five months: 114# 35.5"
six months: 118# 37"
seven months: 120# 37.5"
eight months: 124# and a whopin' 40"! Grow baby, grow!

At our last prenatal appointment (last Tuesday) my belly was measuring just a little bit big, and we've been right on track all along, so he's had himself a little growth spurt in the last month! Which is great- all we want is a healthy little guy! No other progress as of yet, which is also great, because we don't want him too early either. Next Tuesday we'll be "full term" at 37 weeks so as far as I'm concerned he can come at any point once we reach that mark! I'm not too miserable yet, it's been nice that the weather has cooled down a bit, but I wouldn't mind a couple more hot days so we could hang out in the pool some more. :) My back is starting to feel the weight, and my feet as well, but I'm still not having any swelling and NO BED REST so I couldn't be happier! I finally caved and asked for some (safe) prescription heart burn medication, and that has REALLY helped on the bad days. It was non-stop on Tuesday. From when I went to bed Monday night until my doctor's appointment at 4:45- so at that point I was like - please, prescribe me something! But I'm still looking forward to when he'll "drop" and I'll have some more room in my stomach! Of course the trade off is less room in the bladder, which I don't see how that's physically possible, but whatever :) It's 1-5 weeks left at this point so I'm going to try and enjoy every last bit of it that I can!
Wow, this is becoming a novel. Ramble ramble- I'd better stop now :) I'll keep you all posted with any changes! Enjoy your Labor Day!


Jamie said...

Hey Brianne,

It is exciting times indeed. Little Ro is definitely blessed. One word about Charlie's badly burned Daniel's little bum when I used it on diapers. His clothes seemed OK, but the diapers were a different story. Just something to watch for as each kid handles it a bit differently.

We are very excited for you three and cannot wait to meet your little one.

~Jamie, Daniel, and Little John

Kristy said...

Brianne! Your sneek peak is up on my photog blog! Go have a looksie! :)

Glad you're all "prepared" now!!! ;)

Unknown said...

Country Save is great on diapers if Charlie's doesn't work.

Some people have reactions to it on there diapers.

you can get country save at new season's.

Congrats on Rowan being here.

oh this is Sara form Mops by the way.